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Counteracting Counterfeiting E-Book Available

Counteracting Counterfeiting E-Book Available

Gary Beckstedt5/15/2024

Counterfeit electronic components are one of the leading threats to the integrity of the electronics supply chain. A rigorous approach to sourcing and due diligence once parts arrive can help keep fraudulent components out of finished goods. So can staying abreast of counterfeiters’ latest tools of the trade. To help electronics companies and their customers identify and mitigate the risk of counterfeits in their supply chain, Flip Electronics published its latest e-book, “Counteracting Counterfeiting: The Value of Authorized Distribution.”

“No one is safe from counterfeiting, not those on technology’s cutting edge nor those trying to find a reliable source for end-of-life or obsolete components. Neither those making or consuming components can let future promises blind them to present realities. Organizations must approach counterfeit mitigation from the perspective of cradle to grave, or from RFQ to final invoice,” said e-book author and anti-counterfeiting expert Gary Beckstedt, VP, Quality and Warehouse Operations, Flip Electronics.

An estimated 10 billion counterfeit electronic components are in market globally. According to industry counterfeit electronics database ERAI, the number of nonconforming and reported parts rose 35 percent from 2021 to 2022, despite semiconductor sales remaining essentially flat. The e-book illuminates the scope of the problem, with insights into:

  • Which components are most vulnerable to counterfeiting today
  • How a complex global supply chain impacts the tracking and authentication of parts
  • The sophisticated (and not so sophisticated) tools and technologies counterfeiters are using now
  • The temptations and pitfalls of sourcing from the grey market vs. OEM authorized distributors
  • Real-world consequences of building vulnerabilities into devices, boards, subassemblies and systems
  • Prevalent trends in counterfeiting—and what to do about them
  • How to address obsolescence effectively before and after component end of life

“It is incumbent on technology original equipment manufacturers (OEMs) to understand the risks of counterfeiting. It is equally imperative that device manufacturers practice due diligence when sourcing parts. Both must work together to keep counterfeits out of the supply chain and out of the products they share a hand in producing,” Beckstedt said.

To read the article on EPSNews, click here: https://epsnews.com/2024/05/15/counteracting-counterfeiting-e-book-available/